Getremed LtD was founded in 1984 and it operates in the field of medical equipment import and distribution. The company is also active in providing high technology disposables and tools. Its aim is to offer the best and most reliable solutions covering the needs of modern ENT, Neurosurgery, General Surgery and Plastic Surgery.

More specifically, Getremed provides:
- Surgery equipment and disposables for the needs of the ENT and Neurosurgery specialties
- Surgery Equipment (Standard Medical Equipment, Audiological Equipment, Snoring Medical Equipment)
- Voice and swallowing disorders medical equipment
- OTC Products (Pediatric and E.N.T)
- Homecare services (4 phase rhinomanometry, speech therapy services, sleep disorders, hydrocephalus valve adjustment, sleep position control device, voice prostheses, tracheostomy materials and other)
Since 2017, Getremed Lab training has been set up with the most updated medical equipment in which it is possible to practice and simulate the surgery in micro-laryngoscopy, ear surgery and temporal bone surgery and fess surgery. Getremed employs 42 people in its human resources. It has a quality management system approved by LLOYDS REGISTER, BS EN ISO 9001: 2015, EN ISO 13485: 2016. Lastly, it constantly invests in the continuous development of infrastructure and human resources in order to remain a trusted name, synonym with trust.