
GETREMED does not tolerate any form of direct or indirect discrimination, victimization, intimidation or sexual harassment and guarantees the principle of equal treatment. The company's policy to address the above issues aims to develop a work environment that respects, promotes and ensures the right of every person to a world of work without violence and harassment. Behaviors of violence and harassment can take place in the workplace, including public and private spaces and places where the employee provides work, receives pay, takes breaks in particular, for rest or food, in personal hygiene and care areas, locker rooms or accommodation. and to and from work, other travel, travel, education, and work-related events and social activities, including those involving information technology and communication.

The purpose of this policy of our company is to promote the development of a working environment independent of the contractual status of employees (including contract workers, freelancers, paid staff, trainees and apprentices) in which harassment and harassment where employees will have the certainty that their problem will be addressed with discrimination and responsibility by the company.

1.1 GETREMED Strategic Framework for the Prevention and Response to Violence and Harassment

It is a primary duty and obligation of GETREMED :

(a) To receive, investigate and manage any complaint or related report showing zero tolerance for violence and harassment, in confidence and in a manner that respects human dignity and does not impede the receipt, investigation and management of such complaints or reports; ,

(b) provide assistance and access to any competent public, administrative or judicial authority in the investigation of such incident or conduct, if requested by the company;

(c) provide employees with information on the potential risks of violence and harassment in the workplace and the relevant prevention and protection measures;

including the obligations and rights of employees and the employer in such cases,

(d) inform its employees of company-wide procedures for reporting and dealing with such conduct, as well as contact details for the relevant administrative and judicial authorities in accordance with the provisions in force.


2.1 Conceptual approach

All forms of violence and harassment that occur during or related to work, including violence and harassment due to gender and sexual harassment, are prohibited.

"Violence and harassment" means acts, acts, practices or threats thereof which are intended to cause, result in or are likely to result in physical, psychological, sexual or financial harm, whether manifested individually or repeatedly.

"Harassment" means forms of behavior which have as their object or effect the violation of the dignity of the person and the creation of an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or aggressive environment, whether or not they constitute a form of discrimination, including gender-based harassment. or for other reasons of discrimination.

"Sexual harassment" means the forms of behavior associated with a person's gender, sexual orientation which have as their purpose or effect the violation of that person's dignity and the creation of a threatening, hostile, humiliating, humiliating or aggressive environment.

2.2 Right to file a complaint

GETREMED, after informing its employees, adopts the policy for the management of internal complaints, which includes:

(a) secure and easily accessible channels of communication for the reception of complaints, as well as the identification of the competent persons within the undertaking for the receipt and examination of complaints and the information of complainants;

b) investigation and examination of complaints with impartiality and protection of the confidentiality and personal data of victims and complainants;

c) the prohibition of retaliation and further victimization of the affected person;

(d) a description of the consequences for violations;

(e) cooperating and providing any relevant information to the competent authorities, upon request.

2.3 Submitting a complaint

When an employee or other employee of the company GETREMED violates the prohibition of violence and harassment of article 4 of Law 4808/2021, then GETREMED is obliged to take the necessary appropriate and appropriate measures on a case-by-case basis against the complainant, in order to prevent a similar incident or behavior is repeated.

These measures include the establishment of compliance, the change of position, schedule, place or manner of employment and the termination of the employment or cooperation relationship, without prejudice to the prohibition of the abuse of the right of article 281 of the Civil Code.

In the event of an incident of violence and harassment against an employee, he has the right to leave the workplace for a reasonable period of time, without deprivation of salary or other adverse consequences, if in his reasonable belief there is an imminent serious danger to life, his health or safety.

Complaints can always be withdrawn at any time or mediation and compromise can take place through discussion (invitation and hearing of two parties) and simultaneous termination of the event.

2.4 Ways of complaining - Building trust

The incident of the complaint is done electronically. The complainant has the opportunity to make his complaint at the internal address internal.network.affairs@getremed.gr or by phone 2109219160 ext. 115, daily from 11.00 to 15.00. (working days).

2.3 Submitting a complaint

When employed or otherwise employed